Memory Learning and Improving Concentration By Shah Haikal (UED102-STUDY SKILLS)
Hello guys!!! firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Shah Haikal Bin Mohd Erwan and I'm from Negeri Sembilan. As you can see I'm a student from UITM Pahang Kampus Jengka and my course is Pre-Diploma in Agrotechnology AT001.To illustrate, this is a blog about UED 102 study Skills that all new UITM's student will learn during their interim week. I hope you guys enjoy my reading and gain useful information.
Today i want to talk about memory learning and improving concentration . Memory is learning process that has persisted over tie. It is out ability to store and retrieve information.
The Learning Pyramid is a methodology that identifies the different ways or learning , and measures as a percentage the effectiveness of each method in terms of an individual retaining the knowledge they have learn.
Studies show that varying your study methods and materials will improve your retention and recall of information, and enhance your learning experience.The "learning Pyramid", sometimes referred to as the "cone of learning", developed by the National Training Laboratory, suggest that most students only remember about 10% of what they read from textbooks, but retain nearly 90% of what they learn through teaching others. The learning Pyramid model suggests that some methods of study are more effective than others and that varying study methods will lead to deeper learning and longer-term retention.
- 10% what we read
- 20% what we hear
- 30% what we see
- 50% what we see & hear
- 75% what we say
- 90% what we say & do
Which brain you have?

- Sensory memory holds information, derived from the senses, less than one second after an item is perceived . The ability to look at an item and remember what it looked like with just a split second of observation, or memorization, is the example of sensory memory. It is out of cognitive control and is an automatic response. With very short presentations, participants often report that they seem to "see" more than they can actually report.
Short-term memory is also known as working memory. Short-term memory allows recall for a period of several seconds to a minute without rehearsal. Its capacity, however, is very limited.
- Store much larger quantities of information.
- Can store this information for a much longer duration, potentially for a whole life span.

- Stay on target.
- Put your phone away.
- Schedule in quality down time.
- Exercise to boost your energy levels.
- Try some mental relaxation, mindfulness and meditation.
- Be kind to yourself.
What is the importance of memory skills in learning?
Memory is essential to learning, but it also depends on learning because the information stored in one's memory creates the basis for linking new knowledge by association. It is a symbiotic relationship which continues to evolve throughout our lives.
In conclusion, memory is a vital component in our body in which shapes who we are, considering the memory is where all our knowledge and past experiences are stored. As the knowledge and past experiences we gather throughout our lifetime are irreplaceable, that is why we must ensure that our memory systems are kept in perfect condition, making sure that we put effort into enhancing our memories in keeping what we cherish the most.
1. The last time I drank a coffee was a 2 weeks ago
2. The last time I tied my shoes is maybe 4 days ago
3. The last time I called my mom was 2 weeks ago
4. The last time I made a paper orygamy when I was 14 years old
5. The last time I talk to my lovely(Ibu) one is 2 weeks ago
6. The last time I said thank you to someone was earlier
Thank You Very Much to all my blogger friends who view my blog,GoodByee.
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